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There are four types of laziness in Buddhism. 1. Doing nothing. 2. Postponing what we should be doing. 3. Doing something else. 4. Not believing in our own capacity to do, i.e. lack of self confidence.

I personally struggle with the last two types. As I’m a very active person, I notice that I’m an expert in sometimes being busy doing nothing. Being busy is often valued by our western society, even if it is way to avoid what we should be doing (including resting). A very busy person must be a very important person. 😂

The “lack of self confidence laziness” is a tricky one, as the mind is able to find thousand excuses not to go for it, but deep inside the reason is fear. Fear of failure, fear of being excluded, fear of solitude etc. Once we are aware of these types of laziness, I believe there is nothing specific to do about it. 🥴 I just try to observe if my doing or not doing is an escape from myself. Stopping numbness may be a good start…

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